Pathophysiology of Disease: An Introduction to Clinical Medicine 8th Edition

by Gary Hammer (Author), Stephen McPhee, Published: 2019, FileType: PDF

Pathophysiology of disease an introduction to clinical medicine 8th edition

A full-color case-based review of the essentials of pathophysiology covering all major organs and systems, More than 130 case studies with Q&A A Doody’s Core Title for 2020!  The goal of this trusted text is to introduce you to clinical medicine by reviewing the pathophysiologic basis of 132 diseases (and associated signs and symptoms) commonly encountered in medical practice. The authors, all experts in their respective fields, have provided a concise review of relevant normal structure and function of each body system, followed by a description of the pathophysiologic mechanisms that underlie several common diseases related to that system. The accessible presentation features high-quality full-color illustrations, and numerous tables and diagrams.

Each chapter of Pathophysiology of Disease concludes with a collection of case studies and questions designed to test your understanding of the pathophysiology of each clinical entity discussed. These case studies allow you to apply your knowledge to specific clinical situations. Detailed answers to each case study question are provided at the end of the book. Human Diseases from Wildlife

This unique interweaving of physiological and pathological concepts will put you on the path toward thinking about signs and symptoms in terms of their pathophysiologic basis, giving you an understanding of the “why” behind illness and treatment.

•Twelve additional case studies, bringing the total to 132, one for each of the clinical entities discussed in the book’s 24 chapters
•More than 2/3 of the chapters are enhanced and refreshed by the input of new contributors
•Totally revised chapter on neoplasia
•New chapter sections on urticaria, spinocerebellar ataxia, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, and spondyloarthropathies
•New tables summarizing adverse prognostic signs in acute pancreatitis, genetic syndromes associated with pancreatic cancer, and causes of end-stage renal disease
•New diagnosis and etiologic classification of diabetes mellitus, and review of mechanisms of newest pharmacologic agents for its treatment
•Updates on fine-needle aspiration biopsy of thyroid nodules, and thyroid disorders in pregnancy
•Updated references throughout the book

In preparation for this eighth edition, the editors and authors reviewed the entire book. There have been many text revi­sions aimed at updating information, improving clarity, and eliminating minor errors. With emphasis on recent pertinent reviews, references have been entirely updated, as have figures and tables. “Checkpoints:’ collections of review questions, con­tinue to appear throughout the chapters and have been revised.

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Book Name:  Pathophysiology of Disease: An Introduction to Clinical Medicine 8th Edition
File Size:  608 MB
File Format:  PDF
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