Animal Behavior for Shelter Veterinarians and Staff PDF Download. As recently as the last decade, there were few professional training opportunities for the veterinarian, vet tech, animal behavior professional, or shelter professional in the area of shelter animal welfare.

Animal Behavior for Shelter Veterinarians and Staff PDF

Animal Behavior For Shelter Veterinarians And Staff PDF Download
The publication of Shelter Medicine for Veterinarians and Staff (Miller & Zawistowski) published in 2004, with a second edition released in 2013, exceeded original expectations regarding uptake and interest. The textbook provided not only practical information focused directly on shelter medicine but also standard husbandry procedures, management of feral cats, shelter behavior programs, and behavioral pharmacotherapy in the animal shelter. The work compiled within that textbook inspired the need for a comprehensive text focused more specifically around behavior.
Why aim a behavior textbook toward shelter veterinarians and shelter staff? We propose there are many reasons. There is an abundance of evidence pointing to the powerful relationship between physical and psychological or emotional health. By decreasing behavioral stress, we can also reduce the incidence of illness and disease resulting in more animals with an opportunity for live release.
Our objective in developing this textbook was to provide a deeper understanding of pets in our communities and how they end up in shelters; expose shelter professionals to an understanding of dog and cat behavior and how it influences our care of dogs and cats in the shelter environment; how to develop programs that maintain and enhance the behavioral health of dogs and cats in the shelter; describe techniques supported by research for improved adoptions and other ways to support dog and cats post adoption to increase retention and highlight human behavior that impacts increases or decreases in shelter risk.

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