Veterinary Techniques for Llamas and Alpacas PDF. Traditional farm animal species are routinely included in veterinary curricula, have immense volumes of published information, and most large animal veterinarians and veterinary technicians possess experience and a general understanding of procedures to be performed on these species.

Veterinary Techniques for Llamas and Alpacas PDF

Veterinary Techniques For Llamas And Alpacas PDF

This wealth of resources greatly outweighs that available regarding South American camelids for most veterinarians. South American camelids are increasingly ingrained in modern veterinary culture, but this experience is relatively new—measured in decades versus centuries for that of traditional species. Early on, medical and surgical care was directed toward specialty clinics and veterinarians with special interest.

This was largely due to the extreme monetary value of animals and veterinarians’ apprehension to treat animals in which they have little to no experience. Also, many practitioners have limited direct practice experience with llamas and alpacas. Many methods for common procedures as well as specialized investigative procedures have been developed through trial and error.

The general acceptance of South American camelids as a common component of mixed animal veterinary practice has led to veterinarians finding themselves performing examinations, diagnostic testing, and medical and surgical procedures on llamas and alpacas. Comfort working with the species has grown as graduating veterinarians receive more formal training and experience during their education.

We receive and address many calls from the field and from other academic institutions on how to perform varying procedures. Our goal with this text is to synthesize our combined experience with procedures from routine maintenance to advanced procedures into a single, organized, concise, visually descriptive volume for veterinary reference. This manual is intended to serve as a reference and patient-side guide for veterinarians and veterinary technicians to facilitate performance of these procedures. We gratefully acknowledge the input of our fellow veterinary practitioners who have contributed to the advancement of knowledge about these species and to increasing the standard of care provided to llamas and alpacas.


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