Understanding The Equine Foot

by Fran Jurga, Published: 1998, FileType: PDF

Understanding the equine foot

An essential guide covering the anatomy of the equine foot, how it functions, maintaining a healthy foot, and trimming and shoeing. This book also addresses the various diseases which can befall this sensitive and complicated part of a horse’s body.

Keeping the horse sound and at its athletic peak has challenged humans for centuries. Even now, with all that technology and new insights have to offer, equine foot care remains an inexact science. We still find the horse’s foot to be akin to a square peg that we try to force into a round hole. Can the equine foot be analyzed mechanically, since it lacks true symmetry and the horse can make individualized adaptations to gait and stance? Can better foot care be managed biologically in order to help our horses move faster, jump higher, or round a barrel more efficiently? 

As our biomechanical tools give us a clearer vision of how the horse’s foot works, the arguments grow. How can we maximize the hoof’s best qualities of strength and resiliency yet protect the foot’s weak points? What are the best treatments for foot problems such as collapsed walls, sore heels, new diseases, and lamenesses?

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