Textbook of Rabbit Medicine Book PDF. Out of the whole book, this page has been the hard-est to write. It’s difficult to end a project that has consumed so much of my life for the last two years.

Textbook of Rabbit Medicine Book PDF

Textbook Of Rabbit Medicine Book PDF

From an early age I have always been interested in animals, and ‘exotic pets’ in particular. As a student I was lucky enough to be taught by some of the most well-known zoo and exotic veterinary surgeons of the time, however, in the late 1980s and early 1990s, with a few notable exceptions, there was a dearth of textbooks dealing with these subjects. Textbook of Rabbit Medicine is exceptional in that it is a single-author book dealing with the biology and medicine of a single species, something that had not before been published previously in the world of exotic pet medicine.

The importance of this book to a generation of rabbit vets in the UK and abroad cannot be overstated. It has allowed us to practise rabbit medicine to a higher standard, with a basis of research evidence backing up the clinical advice. Benefiting from Frances Harcourt-Brown’s experience with rabbits and the way she analyses what she does in practice has helped many rabbit vets work through their lapine cases. This is no small thing. The amount of information contained within this book and the work Frances invested in the initial edition is phenomenal.

In this edition, I have tried to keep true to the original book and most of the original information is retained (except where experience or research has superseded this). Working on this book has allowed me to bring together much of the collective experience of the veterinary surgeons who were inspired to treat rabbits by the original book over 10 years ago. This edition is less a single-author book and more a collective review of the advances in rabbit medicine over the past few years. I only hope that I have been as thorough with my research as Frances was.

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