Planning and Designing Research Animal Facilities

By Jack R. Hessler, Noel D. M. Lehner, Year 2009, FileType: PDF

Planning and designing research animal facilities

The American College of Laboratory Medicine, from its beginning, has had goals to advance knowledge and education in laboratory animal science and medicine. The College continues this mission with the publication of this book, Planning and Designing Research Animal Facilities .

This is a timely subject, as we are in the midst of a biological revolution. Research institutions have built, expanded and renovated animal research facilities, or are planning to do so, to keep up with the demands of biomedical research caused in part by growth in the use of genetically altered rodents and the upsurge of research in infectious diseases. Get Now: Vaccine Design Methods and Protocols Volume 2: Vaccines for Veterinary Diseases PDF

Planning and designing any facility is a creative process, and animal research facilities are certainly no exception. There are multiple solutions to address the myriad of factors that influence the design and construction of research animal facilities. There is no “ best ” design applicable for all facilities, and arguably not even a single “ best ” design for a given facility. For this reason, this is not intended to be a “ how-to ” book.

The goal is to cover the basic programmatic requirements of animal research facilities, providing ideas for meeting those requirements while, hopefully, stimulating the creative process in which designers in consultation with those who work in research animal facilities generate even better ideas. That is how progress has been made and will continue to be so.

This requires in-depth knowledge and understanding of all aspects of animal research facilities, architectural, engineering, construction and programmatic requirements. Such a broad range of knowledge and experience requires a team of individuals. Information in this book is intended to facilitate communication between the various disciplines, provide con-temporary information, and stimulate creativity that will help lead to wise decisions and advance the knowledge base for planning, design and constructing research animal facilities.

We are indebted to the authors who contributed their knowledge and experience that has made this book possible. We also wish to thank the many reviewers whose efforts have made the book a better one.

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Book Name: Planning and Designing Research Animal Facilities
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