[PDF Download] King’s Applied Anatomy of  the Central Nervous System of Domestic Mammals. The first edition of this book was published in 1987 so that this second edition is long overdue.

King’s Applied Anatomy of  the Central Nervous System of Domestic Mammals

[PDF Download] King's Applied Anatomy Of  The Central Nervous System Of Domestic Mammals

However, in the last thirty years there have been several notable developments in the study and practice of veterinary neurology, and an earlier publication of this book would certainly have missed some of the more recent advances.

Professor Anthony King was a remarkable teacher and academic and I was fortunate to be one of his pupils, both as an undergraduate and as a staff member in his Department of Veterinary Anatomy at the University of Liverpool.

I owe my enthusiasm for neuroanatomy and neurology to Tony and it has been a privilege to have the opportunity to carry on his work through the completion of the second edition of this book. The Preface that Tony wrote in the first edition of The Central Nervous System (originally intended to be Volume 1 of a series on Physiological and Clinical Anatomy of the Domestic Animals) emphasised his belief that a thorough knowledge of preclinical subjects was vital to a proper understanding of clinical science.

The undoubted success of Tony as a teacher of anatomy and physiology was due largely to his very successful introduction of clinical application into the preclinical years. This edition provides several extra examples of recent origin, for example electrodiagnostic methods, stem cell transplantation and advanced imaging. It is not intended to be a textbook of these clinical techniques. but it does provide the reader with the logical relevance of the preclinical information which, otherwise, would be hard to learn.

Apart from the inevitable discussions on terminology, anatomy does not change very much. As a consequence much of Tony’s original book remains ‘valid’ today. My task has been to bring it up to date with clinical developments and advances while retaining the book’s primary role as an anatomy text.

As in the first edition, effort has been made to conform to the Nomina Anatomica Veterinaria (NAV) and Nomina Histologica (NH). The aim has been to produce a text that is easy to read and logical in its arrangement. I  hope the reader will spot one or two areas of controversy and feel stimulated to investigate further to uncover where errors have become entrenched in the literature!

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Book Name:  King’s Applied Anatomy of  the Central Nervous System of Domestic Mammals
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