Manual of Exotic Pet Practice, Exotic companion animals are increasingly being recognized as a significant area of interest within veterinary medicine. For decades, veterinarians have been asked to consult on cases involving ornamental fish, rabbits, small rodents, birds, rep-tiles, or even an occasional spider or hermit crab.

Manual of Exotic Pet Practice

Manual of exotic pet practice

Many veterinarians have found it difficult to treat and consult on these cases because of a lack of published information; many are forced to make recommendations that are based on subjective or anecdotal information. Fortunately, the practice of exotic pet medicine has made great strides in the past two decades. Although there remains much work to be done, the current knowledge base regarding nontraditional pets has been improved through scientific discovery and communication among veterinarians.

Historically, much of the exotic pet literature was based on an understanding of what was done with domestic species. Today, veterinarians have many more resources for information on the species mentioned in this book, including several peer-reviewed journals publishing exotic animal–specific articles that provide a scientific foundation to better treat and manage these species in captivity. It is from an expanded information base that the editors and authors have compiled this text.

This textbook is one of the first of its kind to include sections on all of the major exotic animal groups. As the editors of this text, we felt that there was a strong need for a general exotic pet textbook that could be used by veterinarians to manage any exotic animal that came their way. There is a large percentage of the veterinary profession practicing small or mixed animal veterinary medicine that has a small to moderate caseload of exotic pets. It is for this group of veterinarians that this text was written.

There are certainly other excellent text-books that go into extensive detail on the needs of each group of exotic pet animals and would certainly be beneficial to the veterinary practitioner. Unfortunately, to purchase each text-book on its own would require a significant monetary investment. Although initially intended as a general reference for those individuals looking for a general exotic pet text, this text will become an important reference for those individuals with more exotic pet experience.

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