Management of Pregnant and Neonatal Dogs Cats and Exotic Pets PDF. This book is dedicated to all the dog, cat, and exotic breeders in the world who are striving to improve their breeds through ethical and thoughtful breeding practices.

Management of Pregnant and Neonatal Dogs Cats and Exotic Pets PDF

Management Of Pregnant And Neonatal Dogs, Cats, And Exotic Pets PDF

These breeders always ask “Why?” when things go wrong and then make every effort to correct them on the next breeding. They also take note when things go right and try to recreate the positives while constantly making improve­ments in their lines and breeds.

Many of these clients have been breeding for countless years, while others are new to the arena; yet both ends of the spectrum seek accurate, scientific information and research on which to base their breeding prac­tices. It is these clients who make us strive to con­stantly learn more, study more, and work harder in order to help them achieve their goals. I am proud to work alongside these clients every day.

The textbook literature is sparse in the area of small animal neonatology. This is what inspired me to agree to edit this text on small animal neo­natology. As the editor of this text, I hope that vet­erinarians, veterinary technicians, educators, and breeders will all find this book a valuable resource to place on the shelves of their libraries and to have a resource to reach for when questions arise.

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