Essentials of Veterinary Toxicology
By Naveen Kumar, Published: 2021, FileType: PDF
The material included within the chapter of this book covers all the syllabus of veterinary toxicology laid down by the Veterinary Council of India (VCI), New Delhi India that are mandatory and followed by all veterinary colleges. It is our privilege to share some facets through this book. I wish to thanks all the contributors for making it happen. There are only few books available in markets which satisfy all the basic and competitive requirement of students. Clinical Veterinary Toxicology by Plumlee
This book could serve the basic knowledge of toxicology field. Present book “Essentials of Veterinary Toxicology” will fulfill the needs of graduate students. The cooperation, suggestion and encouragement by our family members, teachers, seniors and friends for their continuing availability in time of need are highly appreciable.
The main aim of the book is to help the students in coping with the problems arising from various competitive exams. Every attempt has been made to make the book easily readable and understandable by students who come from a wide spectrum of educational backgrounds. New concept is introduced to summarize the essential points. Hope this textbook help to students with a clear basic idea and concept of what students are expected.
May this book provide effective stimulus for the students to gain knowledge and ease their journey through a fascinating materials with latest information. Although effort has been carried out to maintain the accuracy of information contained in this edition, neither the Editor nor its Author assumes any responsibility for consequences which may arise from its use.
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