Clinical Reasoning and Differential Diagnosis, Evaluate Your Skills

by Josep Pastor Milán, Neil Ashby, June 26, 2020, FileType: PDF

Clinical Reasoning and Differential Diagnosis, Evaluate Your Skills

After explaining how clinical reasoning can be applied to identify a patient’s problems, focus on the most relevant issue, and determine its causes, this book describes complex case studies from a physiological and diagnostic perspective. Readers will be asked to answer a series of questions in order to assess their knowledge and acquire the necessary skills for properly establishing a diagnosis. NVMS: Large Animal Internal Medicine

This book on reasoning is based on an idea that my great friend Enric Valladares and I conceived a few years ago, although I must stress it would have never seen the light of day were it not for Enric’s insistence.

The basic concept that gave rise to this compilation of cases was the notable increase in the number of analytical methods, diagnostic imaging tests, and diagnostic algorithms being used in small animal veterinary medicine. All these resources have improved veterinarians’ skills and the overall level of veterinary medicine; however, our perception was that the underlying theory was being lost during this process. In other words, not enough attention was being paid to the arguments used to choose between diagnostic tests, how an animal’s clinical problems can be linked to the reasoning behind the algorithms which simplify our day-to-day clinical activities. What is more, the importance of a good clinical record and complete physical examination seems to be waning.

This impression gave rise to the present work, which applies reasoning to a series of cases that are representative of the main problems encountered by veterinarians when treating cats and dogs. The clinical cases presented in this book have been gathered with help from other authors, advice from staff at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) Clinical Veterinary Hospital, and the participation of the Department of Diagnostic Imaging. Other vets at the UAB Clinical Veterinary Hospital have undoubtedly participated in the management of the cases described herein, so I would like to take this opportunity to thank them for allowing us to use these cases and for their professional work and teaching.

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