Charm your Clients, Neuromarketing for Vets

By Valera Arnanz, Miguel Ángel;Pérez Madrigal, Inmaculada;Tabares Rivero, Nuria. Published: 2019, FileType: EPUB

Charm your clients, neuromarketing for vets

Why do people buy things? What tools can we use to convince clients and sell our services? In this work, the authors offer their more than 20 years of experience working in different areas of a veterinary practice. Written with a practical approach, this book reviews the current knowledge in neuromarketing and provides advice for its implementation in the real daily life of veterinary practices.

Vets generally lack training in marketing and sales. Graduate degrees do not teach us how to sell our work. Neuromarketing is a great resource when trying to understand what motivates your clients to purchase services, so you can work on earning their loyalty throughout the process and developing skills to ensure they fall in love with your clinic. Breed Predispositions to Dental and Oral Disease in Dogs

In this book, the authors offer their experience gleaned from over 20 years working in different areas of veterinary practice. It is a practical manual that combines up-to-date knowledge about neuromarketing with practical ideas for implementing this know-how in the real-world routine of any veterinary clinic. Charm Your Clients. Neuromarketing for Vets is suitable for both small clinics and larger centers that wish to improve their sales techniques.

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