100 Top Consultations in Small Animal General Practice PDF. This multidisciplinary text begins with a comprehensive guide to the consultation process in small animal practice.

100 Top Consultations in Small Animal General Practice PDF

100 Top Consultations In Small Animal General Practice Pdf

Within this section, clinicians will find highly practical, invaluable tips about history taking, physical examination and diagnostic approaches. The book then covers 100 of the most common scenarios that a small animal practitioner will have to deal with in the consulting room. These chapters are of three main types:

1) Presenting-sign-based chapters – These chapters, coloured blue, cover an important symptom, listing the common differential diagnoses, outlining the diagnostic approach for its investigation and indicating how the case should be treated. These chapters inform clinicians about what to tell clients before a diagnosis has been made.
2) Diagnosis-based chapters – These chapters, coloured purple, cover important diseases and describe how clinicians should diagnose and treat them. These chapters inform clinicians about what to tell clients after a diagnosis has been made.
3) Miscellaneous chapters – These chapters, coloured red, cover various topics that are rarely found in veterinary texts, such as annual health checks, neutering, oestrus control and euthanasia.

Within the first two types of chapter, there are three unique ‘boxed’ sections covering ‘What if it doesn’t get better?’, ‘The low-cost option’ and ‘When should I refer?’, which can be quickly identified by their colour (red, orange and purple, respectively). This type of information is rarely taught at veterinary school and practitioners usually have to learn it the hard way, by trial and error.

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There are then five appendices covering the use of antibiotics, glucocorticoids and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as information on obesity control and the interpretation of laboratory tests.

This book will be invaluable to:

  • Undergraduate veterinary students
  • Newly graduated veterinarians
  • Experienced veterinarians who are looking for an up-to-date refresher on small animal practice
  • Veterinarians who are returning to the profession after a leave of absence
  • Veterinarians who are converting from large animal to small animal practice, or for whom small animal consulting constitutes only a small part of their duties.

Never before has such practical information been put together in a single text. When grouped together, these chapters provide a comprehensive guide to the vast majority of consultations undertaken in small animal general practice. It’s like having an experienced or specialist clinician standing by your side in the consulting room.

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Book Name:  100 Top Consultations in Small Animal General Practice PDF
File Size:  13.2 MB
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