Veterinary Forensic Medicine and Forensic Sciences

Veterinary forensic medicine and forensic sciences

The goals of this book are to provide guidance from a wide breadth of experience from our contributors, to provide reference material for professionals working in the field of veterinary forensic sciences, and to open dialogue between human and animal forensic science professionals. Both areas of forensic science will benefit from enhanced training and collaboration.

While there are several recent books on this emerging field, this ebook sets the bar, covering all relevant aspects in a succinct, easy-to-read, comprehensive format designed to be taught in a single-semester course. Intended to be the premier textbook on veterinary forensic sciences, the book covers the application of veterinary forensic medicine to cases, including the medical perspective as well as law enforcement response, crime scene management, and evidence recovery issues.

Coverage includes the scientific and legal principles for veterinary forensic evidence. This clearly delineates it from veterinary-only practices, since the forensic aspects present additional challenges that include evidence recovery and preservation, report writing, and maintaining an evidentiary chain of custody, all the way through expert witness testimony. Some emerging topics that are covered include DNA and genetic evidence, entomological evidence in support of veterinary forensics, animal fighting, situational deaths, including poisonings, domestic violence, and cruelty, sharp and blunt force trauma, gunshot and wound ballistics, sexual assault, nonhuman odontology and osteology, and more.

    • Details a process for forensic science case management for humane law enforcement agencies
    • Presents multiple chapters on specific types of trauma analysis in animals
    • Provides developments on current trends in forensic entomology as applied to wildlife crime and minimum postmortem interval determinations
    • Explores national and international considerations in combating organized animal fighting
    • Offers DNA applications for wildlife crime and environmental monitoring
    • Outlines current animal and environmental forensic toxicology legal casework

This text offers a straightforward presentation of current practices and includes several real-world case examples throughout to illustrate concepts. Fully illustrated with more than 280 full-color images, the book provides the latest in advances and up-to-date field techniques, applicable for student instruction in the classroom and beyond.

Veterinary forensic science extends beyond animal abuse cases. It involves the concept of One Health, addresses the human–animal bond, and recognizes and affirms the link between interpersonal violence and animal cruelty. This book also describes and accentuates the importance of veterinarians with training in forensic sciences in situations where the animal is the aggressor, that is, in civil cases.

Download: Introduction to Veterinary and Comparative Forensic Medicine

It also stresses the importance of animals and their management as physical evidence in a wide range of criminal cases, not just those involving animal abuse. A veterinarian with training in the forensic sciences should be involved in every criminal or civil case involving an animal because they are the veterinary medical science professional. This book provides a resource for these veterinarians as they seek to assist both the humans and animals involved in these cases.

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