The Perfect Veterinary Consult, Consulting Techniques and Behaviours in Small Animal Practice

by Dr. Sanjay Mangabhai, Published March 9, 2021, FileType: PDF 


This is the most definitive guide to performing The Perfect Consult in Small Animal Veterinary Practice drawn from years of experience in first opinion practice. This book not only tells you what you need to do but how you need to do it and why you need to do it, in order to have the perfect consulting experience for the patient, the client, the vet and the practice.

These guidelines are taken from my online operations manual of the practices I owned and managed for almost 20 years. Practices can open be very personal places which is reflected in things like dress code, length of appointments, medical protocols, exam reports, and whether nurses assist the doctors in consulting rooms. These guidelines, therefore, are not intended to be all-encompassing but are designed to reflect what worked well and was successful for my practice and will hopefully work well for you. Practical Physiotherapy for Small Animal Practice

A lot of what is covered in here seems obvious and something that you would already know. However, whilst that may be true, it is unfortunately not common practice. Knowing it and doing it are two different things. Just like surgical skills, it takes 􀀁me and committed practice to develop competency in these techniques and embed them into your habits. Consulting skills can, and should, be practised and developed throughout one’s career and not only when you are just star􀀁ng out. My hope is that these guidelines will be invaluable to recent graduates and a useful reminder to the more experienced.

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