The Dog Behavior Answer Book, 2nd Edition

by Arden Moore, September 2022, FileType: PDF

The dog behavior answer book, 2nd edition

Since its original publication 15 years ago, The Dog Behavior Answer Book has helped thousands of dog owners understand their canine companions and become more effective, compassionate caretakers. The completely updated 2nd edition, in a new, larger format, features the latest science and recommended techniques for training, caring for, and understanding dogs. Dog Facts, The Pet Parent’s A-to-Z Home Care Encyclopedia

Long-time pet expert Arden Moore answers real-life questions, including: How does a dog’s sense of smell work? What’s the best way to evaluate my dog’s intelligence? How can I boost the confidence of a shy dog? Why does my dog pee in the house when I’m away? How can I stop my dog from chasing the neighbor children? Can I train my dog to stop chewing on shoes? How can I learn to “speak dog” better? What’s the best way to train a puppy to calm down? What kind of dog should I choose since I live in an apartment? How can I help my arthritic dog move safely?

Combining her friendly, entertaining tone with her seasoned, hands-on knowledge of dogs, Moore is the perfect guide to navigating dog ownership with confidence and success.

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Book Name:  The Dog Behavior Answer Book, 2nd Edition
File Size:  18.8 MB
File Format:  PDF
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