Practical Veterinary Forensics, Veterinarians often come into contact with the law in cases of animal cruelty, domestic animal and wildlife crimes, and human crimes with an animal element.

Practical Veterinary Forensics

Practical Veterinary Forensics

This book provides practical information and training on how to operate within a crime scene and the tests that may need to be performed, including collecting evidence, preparing reports and giving evidence in court as an expert witness.

The book concentrates on the basic principles and background knowledge needed, including hair, DNA, blood and bite mark analysis as well as an overview of firearms injury. It explores wider concepts such as the human-animal bond and one health, going on to give practical guidance and numerous case studies which bring the book to life and into the real world of the busy crime scene.

At the time of writing, one is reminded of the recent passing (27 February 2015) of Leonard Nimoy, who played the character of Spock in the Star Trek films and television series. The half-human, half-Vulcan who preferred fact to emotion is a useful re-minder of the defacto mindset that is required in the world of veterinary forensics. Being exposed to some of the most challenging crime scenes that involve animals and, in many cases, the carcasses of animals, the forensic vet needs a Spock-like skill to filter out the emotional impact of what they en-counter and to be able to articulate, clearly and without emotion, what has occurred. This is an important skill to develop if any longevity is expected in this field.

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