Practical Lambing and Lamb Care: A Veterinary Guide, 3rd Edition. It has now been eight years since the last edition of Practical Lambing and Lamb Care was published yet the regard in which it is held by farmers, vets and students shows no apparent signs of diminishing.

Practical Lambing and Lamb Care: A Veterinary Guide, 3rd Edition

Practical Lambing And Lamb Care A Veterinary Guide, 3rd Edition
As a result, it has been our privilege to update the contents for the new Millennium. Very sadly, Dr Andy Eales died during the course of the revision after a long illness faced with courage and dignity. However, in tribute to his memory, we have strived to retain the essence of his thoroughly practical, yet humor­ous, approach throughout.
This new edition maintains the impressive scope of the earlier books, but also incorporates as many of the latest husbandry and healthcare developments as possible. Revised areas include: resus­citation of the newborn, prevention and treatment of parasitic gastroenteritis, prevention of infectious abortion, lambing under organic management systems, safe use of medicines, the requirements of the new sheep welfare codes and humane slaughter of lambs and ewes. Many of the original illustrations have also been revised, replaced or added to as necessary.
Many thanks to Dr David Buxton BVM&S PhD FRCPath MRCVS for reviewing the new material and to other colleagues at Moredun Research Institute and elsewhere for making many help­ful and constructive comments. Thanks also to Professor Karl Linklater BVM&S PhD MRCVS and Mr Alastair Greig BVM&S FRCVS of the Scottish Agricultural College for access to their unrivalled slide collections. We are also indebted to Mrs Sandra McGill for recovering the original text and Hazel Simm for pre­paring the line diagrams.

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