Manual of Canine and Feline Musculoskeletal Disorders 2nd Edition

By Gareth Arthurs, Gordon Brown and Rob Pettitt, Year 2019, FileType: PDF

Manual of canine and feline musculoskeletal disorders, a practical guide to lameness and joint disease 2nd edition

The Manual of Canine and Feline Musculoskeletal Disorders 2nd Edition presents a logically arranged and readily accessible source of practical information for general practitioners, veterinary surgeons studying for certificate level qualifications in surgery, veterinary students, nurses and technicians. The manual covers investigation of lameness, and other musculoskeletal disorders, principles of orthopaedic surgery and the management of disorders affecting specific joints. Imaging and operative technique sections provide a ready practical reference.

Welcome to the second edition of the Manual of Canine and Feline Musculoskeletal Disorders. This manual is the second reincarnation of the original Manual of Small Animal Arthrology, published in 1994 and builds on the success of the first edition of the Manual of Canine and Feline Musculoskeletal Disorders that was published in 2006. This edition has been written in a style to complement its other manuals in the BSAVA series with as little overlap as possible. Where necessary, however, clear cross-referencing to other BSAVA manuals, such as Canine and Feline Fracture Repair and Management, Neurology, Oncology, as well as titles covering diagnostic imaging and small animal medicine is provided.

Given the considerable evolution of the diagnosis, understanding and treatment options for many disorders, this second edition has been extensively rewritten. The remit from the outset was to start from the beginning, reorganize and rewrite all chapters. We have made every effort to include all advances relevant to clinical practice.

Examples include the investigation of lameness including use of force plates and kinematics, provision of detail on the current understanding of elbow dysplasia and the wide array of available treatment options, the inclusion of physiotherapy and rehabilitation, detail on diagnostic and surgical arthroscopy and a basic understanding of three-dimensional imaging, such as CT and MRI. We include, for completeness, discussion of new, advanced surgical techniques such as tibial osteotomies for cranial cruciate ligament disease, cement less total hip replacement for hip dysplasia and replacement of the trochlear sulcus for patellar luxation, together with guidance on the level of training and experience that is necessary to achieve consistently good results.

Each chapter has been developed and refined by both the authors and editors during the course of this project, and we hope and believe the result of this painstaking process is an excellent manual that will be fit for another 10 years. Download More: Manual of Rodents and Ferrets

The manual is divided into four principle sections:

• Lameness investigation
• Musculoskeletal disorders
• Principles of orthopaedic surgery
• Management of specific disorders, ordered by individual joints.

The joint specific chapters follow a common theme: they comprise a main section and then, where relevant, Imaging and Operative Techniques sections follow. Maintaining the clear, no-nonsense, easy-to-pick-up-and-read style of the BSAVA manuals has been at the forefront of our minds during writing and editing, and we have included as many informative, quick reference images, figures and tables as possible to complement the text.

We, as editors, feel privileged to have worked with such a broad range of talented authors whose combined international skills, knowledge and experience is impressive and very difficult to match. It has truly been a privilege to work with such a team of inspiring veterinary surgeons with expertise in various fields and we are confident that the talent of each individual shines through their chapter.

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