Manual of Canine and Feline Dentistry and Oral Surgery 4th Edition, by Alexander M. Reiter, Margherita Gracis September 2018.

Manual of Canine and Feline Dentistry and Oral Surgery 4th Edition

Manual of Canine and Feline Dentistry and Oral Surgery 4th Edition

This book has been written to reach veterinarians, veterinary technicians and nurses, an dents. It contains 13 chapters and is intended to educate the reader about the following topics:

Ethical aspects; anatomy and physiology; examination; diagnostic imaging; common pathology; anaesthesia and analgesia; management of periodontal disease, non-periodontal inflammatory, infectious and reactive conditions, dental and oral trauma, developmental disorders, and oral and maxillofacial neoplasia; tooth extraction; and perioperative considerations.

We come from both academia and private practice, and put great thought and effort into this project. The reader can hope to learn the basics of dentistry and oral surgery in dogs and cats by reading this manual, and we also included intermediate and advanced information for those that already have a special interest in the discipline. While no attempt was made to be all-inclusive, we wanted to deliver well-referenced knowledge that is supported by an abundance of image material.

The fourth edition of the Manual of Canine and Feline Dentistry and Oral Surgery is a reasonably priced softcover book written for veterinarians, technicians, and veterinary students. It is divided into 13 chapters, which are logically arranged to cover the full gamut of current knowledge in veterinary dentistry and oral surgery.

Following the success of previous editions, the Manual of Canine and Feline Dentistry and Oral Surgery 4th edition is a timely publication in what is an internationally growing specialist field. It is an accessible source of core information for general small animal veterinary surgeons, students, and nurses/technicians interested in developing their knowledge and practical skills in dentistry and oral surgery.

New for this edition are the inclusion of step-by-step operative techniques with detailed full-colour photographs and new illustrations, including the process for taking dental radiographs, and techniques for the management of periodontal disease, dental and oral trauma, developmental disorders and neoplasia, and closed and open tooth extractions.

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