Large Animal Neurology 3rd Edition

By Joe Mayhew , Rob MacKay

Large Animal Neurology 3rd Edition PDF

Large Animal Neurology 3rd Edition PDF delivers a practical and complete reference for veterinarians, veterinary trainees and scientists dealing with large animal neurology. The book is vividly illustrated in full colour and contains many clinical photographs and detailed line drawings to highlight the concepts discussed within.

Organised into three parts, Large Animal Neurology offers practitioners and students straightforward guides on how to perform neurologic examinations for domestic large animal species, including neonates. It also discusses the presenting clinical syndromes caused by common nervous system diseases, as well as giving details of the specific neurologic diseases of large domestic animals.

The book includes:

A thorough introduction to the evaluation of large animal neurologic patients, including discussions of neuroanatomy, neurologic evaluation, ancillary diagnostic aids, and the important pathologic responses of the nervous system Comprehensive exploration of 26 presenting clinical problems, including behaviour disorders, seizures, epilepsy, sleep disorders, blindness, strabismus, monoplegia, wobblers, tetraplegia, pruritus and cauda equina syndrome Detailed coverage of the specific diseases, including those of genetic, infectious, nutritional, toxic and metabolic cause, and the many diseases with multifactorial and with unknown cause Perfect for all equine and farm animal veterinarians, veterinary neurologists, as well as trainees in the field, Large Animal Neurology, Third Edition is also an ideal resource for undergraduate veterinary students, animal pathologists, and neuroscience researchers.

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