Handbook of Veterinary Obstetrics 2nd Edition PDF Download. The second edition of Handbook of Veterinary Obstetrics has retained the same basic format that was used in the first edition.

Handbook of Veterinary Obstetrics 2nd Edition PDF Download

Handbook Of Veterinary Obstetrics 2nd Edition PDF Download
All 15 chapters have been revised and in most cases expanded to include new information and to ensure even greater clarity. John Fuller has drawn 30 new illustrations to complement those he drew for the first edition. The new pictures illustrate such diverse subjects as eclampsia and mastitis in the bitch, and evaluation of the cervix in cases of ring womb in sheep. The ventrolateral approach to the uterus in bovine cesarean section is also illustrated, as is dystocia caused by the problem of bicornual pregnancy in the mare.
A new feature of the second edition has been the introduction of ‘Obstetrician’s check lists’ at various points in the chapters dealing with dystocia in large and small animals. It is hoped that these check lists will provide a useful summary of the text and also rapid access to vital information in an emergency.
Owners expect and demand higher and higher obstetric skills from the veterinary profession. Students, new graduates, and more experienced colleagues may be exposed to the intense pressures that challenging obstetric cases can sometimes bring. Several readers have kindly said how helpful they have found the advice given in the first edition when dealing with obstetric cases in practice. It is hoped that this second edition will also provide safe, sensible, and practical guidance and advice to all those privileged to practice veterinary obstetrics.

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