Essentials Of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics 2nd Edition

by Sandhu H.S.  Published by Kalyani Publishers, 2014

Essentials of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics

There are many reliable sources of drug information, which provide authenticated knowledge about established’ drugs and furnish information for understanding newer ones. These include pharmacopoeias, formularies, drug reference books, pharmacology textbooks, journals, encyclopedias and drug database websites.

Then there are other sources of drug information, which may provide details such as trade names, formulations, dosage forms, methods of storage and dosage range for therapeutic use necessary mainly from marketing and clinical use point of view.

Pharmacopoeias The pharmacopoeias (Greek: pharmakon = drug, poieo = to nake) are official books on drugs containing a selected list of the established drugs and medicinal preparations with descriptions of heir physical and chemical properties, tests for their identification, purity, potency, minimum standard required and average dose for dults.

The Essentials Of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics 2nd Edition pharmacopoeias are published under the authority of recognised body, generally constituted by law, to ensure conformity in composition and strength of medicines used in the treatment of diseases. Drugs included in pharmacopoeias are died ‘official drugs’, while other drugs are called ‘non-official -drugs’.

Many countries have their own pharmacopoeias. a. Indian Pharmacopoeia (I.P.): The Indian Pharmacopoeia is the legally recognised drug compendium for the quality of drug substances and preparations and other health care products manufactured or sold in India. It is published by the Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission, which is an Autonomous Institution under the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India.

The first edition of the Indian Pharmacopoeia was published in 1955 and subsequent editions were published in 1966, 1985, 1996, 2007 and 2010. The sixth edition of the Indian Pharmacopoeia entitled ‘Indian Pharmacopoeia 2010’ is presented in three volumes with total 1918 monographs, out of which 287 are added first time. Addendum 2012 to IP 2010 has also been released and became effective. from IS January, 2012.. Standards for veterinary drugs and products which were published as a supplement to the previous editions of the Indian pharmacopoeia now form an integral part of this compendium.

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