Clinical Veterinary Advisor Birds and Exotic Pets, Our emphasis in this book has been on clinical decision making and treatment of individual animals using a template-based format with illustrations.

Clinical Veterinary Advisor Birds and Exotic Pets

Clinical Veterinary Advisor Birds And Exotic Pets

The first section is Diseases and Disorders. We have presented what information is available as a set of central clinical issues that incorporate clinical findings, etiology, disease manifestations, differential diagnosis, diagnostic tests, prognosis, therapy, and prevention. Selected references allow practitioner self-improvement. Information follows the progression of a case: background information is given first, followed by the reason underlying the veterinary visit (chief complaint) and important or typical elements of the history as it relates to the disorder. After physical examination findings, diagnostic testing is organized into two parts. The initial database contains diagnostic tests that are routinely performed in most general practices. Then we list advanced or confirmatory tests.

These cover more specific evaluations that can be done in some general practices or require referral to a university hospital or specialty center. This staged approach reflects the process that we so commonly use with our patients. Treatment is described like-wise as initial, acute treatment, and then separately as chronic or long-term treatment for disorders requiring ongoing care. Drug dosages and routes of administration are included directly as we find nothing more frustrating than leafing through a drug formulary for a medication dose and often not finding one for an exotic pet species. The end of each topic in Diseases and Disorders includes a segment for clinical pearls—pieces of valuable information derived from the experience of the author and the editor. These might be given as a counter intuitive point, an easily made mistake to avoid, a concern about the nature of the disease or process, or as other facts that provide medical hints which often escape the written word.

Procedures and Techniques, the second section, illustrates more than 60 diagnostic and therapeutic procedures identifiable in exotic pet practice. The breadth of this material is wide, ranging from the use of E-collars or sexing young exotic small mammals, to reptile, avian, and fish injection techniques, including venipuncture. Specialists who routinely perform these procedures describe the material in a simplified and structured way. Our intent is to allow the reader to feel prepared to perform these procedures if training and skills are adequate, or to realize what is involved in a procedure when referring a patient to another institution to have it performed.

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