Clinical Signs in Small Animal Medicine 2nd Edition PDF. This 2nd edition of Clinical Signs in Small Animal Medicine is written to share the visual experiences of the author spanning the period from 2007 to 2015.

Clinical Signs in Small Animal Medicine 2nd Edition PDF

Clinical Signs In Small Animal Medicine 2nd Edition PDF
It continues with its primary basis of instruction that “one picture is worth 1,000 words”. It has served my students well and the same is intended for my veterinary colleagues who are outside the boundaries of my classroom.
Quoting one of my graduates from the University of Florida (UF) Class of 1980: “Dr. Schaer, the other day a dog walked into my clinic with the exact physical abnormalities of one of the dogs you showed me during your student slide rounds, and I nailed that diagnosis strictly because of the impression that image left in my memory bank 25 many years ago.” Because of this and similar feedbacks that have confirmed the effectiveness of the visual teaching method, I have continued that exercise right to the present day – 40 years later. It stimulated me to publish the 1st edition of Clinical Signs in Small Animal Medicine in 2007 and continued to motivate me to compose this second edition.
The reader will note that these first two editions do not represent every possible clinical disorder and their various types of presentations – an impossible objective for sure. However, if used together, both volumes complement the deficiencies of the other because much effort was made to avoid repeating any images that appear in any one textbook. The topics, on the other hand, will be duplicated in order to cover the various forms of the disorder that are not represented in the other edition.

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