Clinical Pathology for the Veterinary Team is a concise, reliable resource for technical team members performing

Clinical pathology for the veterinary teamclinical diagnostic evaluation. Focusing on sample handling, machinery calibration, normal physiology and anatomy, clinical diagnostics, and disease processes, the book helps technical team members to consistently achieve high-quality results in small animal lab work. An essential bench-side reference for in-house laboratories, the book includes a DVD with interactive cases to build skills in reading and interpreting digital slides.With chapters on blood counts, chemistry, urinalysis and electrolytes, advanced diagnostics, and cytology, Clinical Pathology for the Veterinary Team offers key technical information for consistently obtaining and evaluating samples. The book is a practical resource for anyone performing lab work, including veterinary technicians, technician and veterinary students, and veterinarians.

Clinical Pathology for the Veterinary Team will help experienced veterinary technicians set up various clinical laboratory diagnostic tests. It provides a good explanation of basic laboratory practices, the underlying concepts of many laboratory tests, and the physiology of common disease conditions. This book is well worth the price.

This book provides a good overall summary of basic clinical pathology in small animals. Although it is fairly short and concise, it contains all the necessary relevant information and includes a CD that takes readers thorough six complicated cases, step by step. This is a useful book that would be a handy reference to have in a practice. It is easy to read, concise, and informative. Although it is aimed at small animal veterinary teams, it includes limited information about large animal species, which is important for a good, general understanding.

It will also be essential reading for those preparing for professional qualifications such as FIBMS and FRCPath, possibly even MRCP, and will serve as an excellent resources for the more senior researcher, lecturer and academic.

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