Clinical Pathology and Laboratory Techniques for Veterinary Technicians

Clinical Pathology and Laboratory Techniques for Veterinary Technicians provides a comprehensive reference of laboratory procedures featuring ‘how-to’ information as it pertains to small animals, horses, and cattle. Pocket Handbook of Nonhuman Primate Clinical Medicine
- An inclusive reference on laboratory procedures pertaining to small animals, horses and cattle
- Provides information on hematology, hemostasis, clinical chemistry, urinalysis, parasitology, and fecal testing
- Features high-quality photographs labelled with magnification and stain information, which clearly depict cellular morphology, inclusions and infectious organisms
- Offers key objectives, technician tip boxes, case examples and a glossary of key terms
- A companion website provides images from the book for download, instructor questions and answer key to multiple choice questions in the book
Overall, this book appears to be a solid books for veterinary technicians reference for laboratory medicine and techniques for veterinary technicians and should provide an excellent foundation of knowledge. This book is very logically constructed and beautifully illustrated with coloured pictures and clear drawings.
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