Canine Internal Medicine PDF. This book is neither intended to be an Internal Medicine textbook, nor to include examples of every disease situation encountered in an Internal Medical caseload.

Canine Internal Medicine PDF

Canine Internal Medicine PDF, What’s Your Diagnosis

What I have intended to do, by use of examples from my clinical practice, is to provide a wide ‘spread’ of clinical problems in which the case itself becomes ‘the teacher’. This book is intended for anyone with an interest in Internal Medicine, whether at undergraduate or post-graduate level, General Practice or Speciality Practice. Inevitably there will be some, relatively common, case presentations that there has not been room to include or where the clinical skills challenged by them are replicated in another case example.

It is a frequent, and in many ways valid, criticism of undergraduate teaching, that by situating it mostly in referral hospitals (where the caseload is by nature highly selected and clients generally motivated and financially secure to expedite diagnosis and therapy) the cases may not offer a ‘realistic substrate’ for learning the art as well as the science of small animal medicine. However, I would counter this by stating that, in my experience, these hospitals are usually staffed by very talented clinicians who are both well-adept at drawing attention to specific case details that are important ‘learning points’ but also at focusing on those basic skills of history taking and physical examination that are the cornerstones of medical diagnosis.

This is a point that is often missed – critics may remember that such cases are unusual and may not be representative of the vast majority of their own caseload, but usually forget the basic (and transferable) steps that led to diagnosis of the unusual problem in the first place. Furthermore, none of these cases miraculously ‘appear out of the ether’ in the reception area of a referral hospital – all have walked (or been carried) through the door of a general veterinary practice and the presenting complaint will be one encountered every day in a practice somewhere. You might be the vet who encounters it; are you ready?

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