Bovine Laminitis and Lameness: A Hands-on Approach, Why had laminitis been elevated into a title role? I went to my bookshelf and found my copy of the first edition of Lameness in Cattle, published in 1972.
Bovine Laminitis and Lameness: A Hands-on Approach

The objective of this book is to present information in language that is easy to understand. English will not be the mother tongue of every reader and idiomatic speech varies throughout the English-speaking world. For this reason a glossary is provided.
The primary target reader is the veterinarian who practices cattle medicine and surgery. The bulk of the information falls into the category of ‘need to know.’ Another objective of the book is to make this type of information understandable to other individuals who work with practicing veterinarians, such as animal scientists, claw trimmers, nutritionists, and progressive producers. There are several exceptions to this need-to-know policy. Chapters 2 and 4 are dedicated to new and specialized information concerning the structure, function, and pathophysiology of the digit. This knowledge is basic to understanding certain disease processes. In other chapters, ‘Technical Comments’ are clearly identified as containing information that is only necessary for the benefit of students and scientists who need a deeper understanding of the scientific principles.
A feature termed ‘Key Concepts’ has been included in order to help the reader identify topics or ideas of greatest importance from a practical point of view. The remainder of the text explains, elaborates, or even repeats some of these concepts.
In this book, the reader will find very few references in the text. This follows the trend in contemporary scientific books which omit references from the body of the work. Text that is congested with references is uncomfortable to read. An author can no longer accommodate the contemporary explosion of information.
A bibliography is provided with most chapters. These are included as a starting point for literature searches for use by research workers and graduate students. The majority of references have been taken from refereed journals or textbooks usually found in libraries, together with the Proceedings of the International Symposia on Disorders of the Ruminant Digit. Where an author has written multiple papers on the same subject, the most recent publication is cited.
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