Biology and Diseases of the Ferret, Third Edition has been thoroughly revised and updated to provide a current, comprehensive reference on the ferret. Encyclopedic in scope, it is the only book to focus on the characteristics that make the ferret an important research animal, with detailed information on conditions, procedures, and treatments.

Biology and Diseases of the Ferret, Third Edition

Biology and diseases of the ferret 3rd edition

Offering basic information on biology, husbandry, clinical medicine, and surgery, as well as unique information on the use of ferrets in biomedical research, Biology and Diseases of the Ferret is an essential resource for investigators using ferrets in the laboratory and for companion animal and comparative medicine veterinarians.

The Third Edition adds ten completely new chapters, covering regulatory considerations, black-footed ferret recovery, diseases of the cardiovascular system, viral respiratory disease research, morbillivirus research, genetic engineering, hearing and auditory function, vision and neuroplasticity research, nausea and vomiting research, and lung carcinogenesis research.

Additionally, the anesthesia, surgery, and biomethodology chapter has been subdivided into three and thoroughly expanded. The book also highlights the ferret genome project, along with the emerging technology of genetically engineered ferrets, which is of particular importance to the future of the ferret as an animal model in research and will allow the investigation of diseases and their genetic basis in a small, easily maintained, non-rodent species.

The creation of the third edition of this text, conceived, compiled, and written 14 years after its predecessor, and 25 years after the first edition was printed, was motivated by the burgeoning clinical and scientific literature concerning the ferret. As a research animal, the ferret has contributed greatly to a number of disciplines, but most particularly to neuroscience, influenza, and other infectious diseases. As a pet, it has inspired a fervent ownership, and is attended by a growing number of expert and passionate clinicians. Pet owners, veterinarians, and researchers delight at this playful and animated creature. Moreover, the peculiar propensity of ferrets toward development of endocrine disorders and its unique susceptibility to human influenza virus, as well as to emerging diseases, such as the FIP-like ferret systemic coronavirus and disseminated idiopathic myofasciitis, have fascinated both veterinary clinicians and scientists.

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Biology and Diseases of the Ferret, Third Edition



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