Atlas of Avian Necropsy, Macroscopic Diagnosis Sampling, Updated Edition

by Natàlia Majó MasferrerRoser Dolz PascualDr. H.L. Shivaprasad, Published 2019, FileType: PDF

Atlas of avian necropsy, macroscopic diagnosis sampling, updated edition

The necropsy and subsequent evaluation of gross lesions is a gold standard diagnostic tool in the veterinary profession. This procedure is also commonly performed by veterinary practitioners during routine visits to poultry farms.

However, little information exists on how to perform a necropsy on a bird to maximise the diagnostic yield of this procedure.

The main aim of this book is to serve as a guide both to poultry vets and veterinary students, with information about the necropsy technique, the evaluation of gross lesions and the collection of samples for further testing. We hope that the videos and numerous images it includes will greatly facilitate understanding and application of its content. A Colour Atlas of Avian Anatomy 1st Edition

The first part of the book details the avian necropsy technique, how each organ and system should be inspected, and what they look like when there are no lesions. Some of the most relevant gross lesions – and in some cases, microscopic lesions – in avian pathology are then presented, grouped by organ or system. Finally, guidelines are provided on how to collect necropsy samples for further testing.

We sincerely hope this book will be useful to all professionals in the poultry sector.

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