Providing the ultimate terminology reference for veterinary assistants and technicians, An Illustrated Guide to Veterinary Medical Terminology, Fourth edition provides an engaging, systematic approach to learning medical terms and understanding basic principles of veterinary medicine.

An Illustrated Guide to Veterinary Medical Terminology Fourth Edition

An illustrated guide to veterinary medical terminology, 4th edition

This user-friendly textbook delivers a unique pedagogical presentation that makes it a comprehensive learning resource. Focusing on how medical terms are formed, analyzed, and defined, the text discusses anatomical landmarks, the positioning of animals, and the relationships between body parts. It also introduces terms used in the animal industry. Case studies illustrate how medical terminology is experienced in real-world practice, and an audio wordlist enables readers to hear the terms they are learning.

Medical terminology may seem like a foreign language because many of the terms are unfamiliar, seem strange, or do not make sense. However, to communicate in the medical world, you need a thorough under-standing of the language.

Most medical terms are based on word parts that already may be familiar. You may have heard words such as appendicitis , gastritis , and tonsillectomy or used them in the past. You may not realize how many medical terms you already know. Building on this foundation, learning new word parts will make medical terminology seem more logical.

This text and the accompanying materials simplify the process of learning medical terminology. Review the introductory sections so you are familiar with the organizational scheme of the textbook and Course Mate . Once you become comfortable with the materials, you will find yourself learning medical terms faster than you ever imagined possible.

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