Restraint and Handling of Wild and Domestic Animals Free PDF Download. The third edition is illustrated in color. Modern technology allows printing in color without materially adding to the cost.
Restraint and Handling of Wild and Domestic Animals Free PDF Download

New chapters added to the third edition include animal behavior, animal welfare, training for restraint procedures, camelidae, and mega vertebrates. Several sections have been given chapter status or moved to be consistent with reorganization of sections. For instance, camelidae has been given chapter status and moved to the domestic animal section, and chemical restraint has been moved to the non domestic animal section. The methods of delivery of chemical restraint agents have been given chapter status.
The chemical restraint chapter has been expanded and new chemical restraint agents added. Each chapter in the wild animal section has a discussion of chemical immobilization for that group of animals, including tables and current references.
Animal welfare must be a constant concern of those who restrain animals. The well-being of an animal should be given the highest priority. Although modern chemical restraint agents have made it possible to accomplish many procedures more effi ciently and safely, take time to contemplate all of the effects that may impinge on the animal. Will the animal’s condition be improved with the intended procedure? Are there alternative methods to accomplish the same goal? Are all of the needed equipment and supplies to work safely and effi -ciently ready? Are restraint personnel adequately trained and experienced to deal with any contingency?
Animals may become overstimulated with an epinephrine rush during restraint procedures. They may be inclined to, and capable of, feats of athleticism beyond imagination. I have seen a giant eland Taurotragus oryx jump, from a standing start, an 8-foot fence that had easily contained the animal for years. Furthermore, an American bison Bison bison cow climbed a 6-foot fence to avoid capture. A Grevy zebra Equus grevyi mare jumped out of a moated enclosure to avoid contact with a newly introduced stallion to the enclosure. Consider all aspects of the environment in which the restraint procedure is to be performed. Maintenance of facilities and equipment must be routine.
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