Reproductive Genomics in Domestic Animals is a thorough examination of genomics in the livestock industry, encompassing genome sciences, genome biotechnology, and reproduction.

Reproductive Genomics in Domestic Animals

Reproductive Genomics In Domestic Animals

Recent developments in molecular genetics and genomics have enabled scientists to identify and characterize genes contributing to the complexity of reproduction in domestic animals, allowing scientists to improve reproductive traits. Providing the livestock industry with essential tools for enhancing reproductive efficiency, Reproductive Genomics in Domestic Animals surveys the current status of reproductive genomes and looks to the future direction of research.

Reproductive efficiency has been considered one of the most critical factors affecting the productivity and profitability of the live-stock industries. Unfortunately, in spite of a significant improvement in growth, feed efficiency, and carcass and meat quality due to genetic selection and management advances, reproductive efficiency has declined in most livestock species.

Due to low heritabilities, and sex – limited complexity, it has been very difficult to improve reproductive traits using traditional selection methods. The rapid development of molecular genetics and genomics in recent years has, however, enabled the identification, characterization, and utilization of genes and pathways that contribute to the genetic complexity of reproduction in domestic animals.

This book reviews the current status of reproductive genomics, transcriptomics, and proteomics and highlights the current and potential genomics tools and reagents for improving reproductive efficiency in domestic animals. It is our goal to have in the book a broad coverage on genome sciences and bio-technologies that can help address and understand various aspects of fertility and infertility in domestic animals.

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