Nutrient Requirements of Poultry 9th Revised Edition, This classic reference for poultry nutrition has been updated for the first time since 1984.

Nutrient Requirements of Poultry 9th Revised Edition

Nutrient Requirements Of Poultry 9th Revised Edition

The chapter on general considerations concerning individual nutrients and water has been greatly expanded and includes, for the first time, equations for predicting the energy value of individual feed ingredients from their proximate composition. A new appendix documents in detail the scientific information used to derive the nutrient requirements appearing in the summary for each species of bird.

This report, as compared with previous editions, contains additional information on feed stuffs, including a description of procedures used to determine metabolizable energy values and methods to estimate amino acid contents of feed ingredients. A detailed discussion of dietary fat sources has been added, and the data presented on the nutrient composition of feed stuffs have been expanded to include true metabolizable energy values and coefficients of true amino acid digestibility.

This ninth edition was prepared by the Subcommittee on Poultry Nutrition, which was appointed in 1989 under the guidance of the Board on Agriculture’s Committee on Animal Nutrition. The Committee on Animal Nutrition, the Board on Agriculture, and several other experts reviewed the report. The subcommittee is grateful to these individuals for their efforts. The subcommittee also thanks Roseanne Price for her editorial assistance and Mary Cochran and Ann Shuey of Iowa State University for their secretarial assistance in preparing many drafts of the report.

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