Lab Value Interpretation

Do you know the how to interpret your laboratory values? Would you like to learn how to read those parameters?
Lab Value Interpretation PDF, From a clinical perspective, a laboratory value is the result of a test. The way this value is represented on a report is not standardized. For example, many laboratories use different formats to present the results of a blood test. Laboratory values interpretation remains an area where inconsistency exists.
About 60-70% of decision-making in medicine was based on the results of laboratory tests. The laboratory values provide data in an objective form that relates to the patient’s health. They can help in the early detection of diseases that have not yet manifested themselves, thus leading to more effective management of these conditions and a faster cure. They can also help monitor the progress of various chronic diseases so that treatment can be adjusted accordingly to avoid worsening.
This book will show you how to interpret and use the numbers you find in tests. The information is presented clearly and concisely, also is designed to help users of all levels and backgrounds quickly and easily interpret and use all those hard-to-understand laboratory values.
More precisely, this manual covers:
- Understanding laboratory values
- Correct methods to obtain laboratory samples
- Hematological tests
- Serum electrolytes tests
- Test for heart disease
- Serological tests for specific infections
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