Domestic Animal Behaviour and Welfare 5th Edition

by Donald Broom, Published: 2007, FileType: PDF

Domestic animal behaviour and welfare 5th edition

All of those who have an interest in livestock production or companion animal management and breeding, including every farmer, pet owner and veterinary surgeon, need to know about domestic animal behaviour in order that they can carry out their jobs and care for their animals properly. All of these people and all consumers of farm animal products have to consider their moral stance in relation to domestic animal welfare and require precise information about that welfare in order to do so.

This book Domestic Animal Behaviour and Welfare 5th Edition is a comprehensive guide to the behaviour and welfare of domestic animals. It provides practical information for those involved with farming, pet animals and veterinary work and reviews scientific information about the assessment of animal welfare, and the evaluation of the effects on animals of genetic selection and of different management methods and housing conditions. Assessing welfare necessarily involves measurement of physiology, disease state and production as well as behaviour.

This book extends the coverage of the fourth edition in that much new information is provided, for example on equids other than horses and on draught animals. Chapters have been added on welfare during stunning and slaughter, the welfare of sheep and goats, and the welfare of additional pet species. Hence all major farmed animals and companion animals are considered. Both authors have planned this updated edition and provided new illustrations, while the text revision has been carried out by Donald Broom. Get Behaviour Problems in Small Animals

The concepts of behaviour and welfare are introduced, and then behaviour description, learning, cognition, motivation, evolution and welfare assessment are considered. Sections on the various aspects of individual, social and reproductive behaviour then follow. Welfare during transport and slaughter, welfare and disease, and the various kinds of abnormal behaviour are then described. In the final 11 chapters, the welfare of different species is discussed. The book is illustrated with many photographs and, since an understanding of the meaning of concepts is so important in this subject area, it includes an extensive glossary.

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