Commercial Chicken Meat and Egg Production Book 5th Edition PDF Free Download. While the fifth edition has incorporated many changes, it has not lost its focus on commercial chicken production.

Commercial Chicken Meat and Egg Production Book 5th Edition PDF Free Download

Commercial Chicken Meat And Egg Production Book 5th Edition PDF Free Download
Since the publication of the fourth edition of the Commercial Chicken Production Manual in 1990 (the first edition was published in 1972), the senior author, Dr. Mack 0. North has passed away, and Professor Donald D. Bell has assumed the role of senior editor and contributing author. In addition to serving as overall coordinator for the text, Professor Bell has focused on nutrition, poultry health, and all aspects of the production and processing of table eggs.
Rather, the industry approach to production has been greatly enhanced with discussions on economic integration, contract production, processing and marketing, and the many global aspects of the industry.
Although the authors have focused their attention primarily on US production practices, globalization within the industry has made much, if not most, of the material presented relevant to the production of broilers and table eggs around the world. For instance, with similar genetic stocks, competitively priced feed stuffs, and poultry production and processing equipment and technology readily available in most locations in the world, poultry management practices globally are much more homogeneous today than ever before.
The new edition includes more than 400 tables, figures, and pictures in an attempt to further enhance the reader’s understanding of commercial chicken production. Primary users of the text include various segments of the commercial chicken industry, such as producers, service personnel, and others responsible for the production and processing of chicken meat and eggs, as well as students in colleges and universities studying poultry science.
For the convenience of its readers the authors have again used both English and metric standards for weights and measures. When costs of production and other economic parameters are discussed, US dollars are normally used for making comparisons.

Size: 97 MB Book Download Free


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