Atlas of Radiographic Anatomy of the Cat

by Leo Brunnberg in April 28, 2004

The “Atlas of Radiographic Anatomy of the Cat” is the second volume of a new edition of the well-known “Atlas of

Atlas of radiographic anatomy of the catRadiographic Anatomy of the Dog and Cat”, 5th edition, by H. Schebitz and H. Wilkens, written in 1989.
50 sampled x-ray images of healthy cats have been categorized topographically into six chapters (head, vertebral column, thoracic limb, pelvic limb, thorax and abdomen).

Colored illustrations and differentiated legends improve the survey and the identification of searched structures. Corresponding positioning sketches and helpful remarks are attached to each x-ray image on the same page. Further short remarks on positioning, x-ray image exposure and contrast procedures complete this atlas.

Colored sketches demonstrate the skeletal development in the first one and a half years. The team of authors has radically updated the approved standard work. Samples of x-ray images, sketches and graphics are intended to improve the interpretation of your own x-ray images. Only a knowledge of radiographic anatomy provides the basis for the diagnosis of pathological alterations.

Samples of X-ray images, sketches and graphics help improve the interpretation of the physician’s own data. The knowledge of radiographic anatomy provides the basis for the diagnosis of pathological alerations. Originally published in 1994, a dual-language edition distributed by Thieme.

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