Anesthesiology, 3rd Edition

by David Longnecker, Mark Newman, Warren Zapol, Warren Sandberg, Sean Mackey, Published: 2017, FileType: PDF

Anesthesiology, 3rd edition

Written by an internationally known team of experts, Anesthesiology, Third Edition provides a 360-degree view of the field, covering all the anesthetic considerations from preoperative preparation through postoperative care, and the full breadth of anesthesia practice, including pain medicine and critical care medicine.  Presented in full color and updated to capture the latest breakthroughs and advances,  Anesthesiology  is designed to provide the practitioner with an authoritative single-source reference that spans the full spectrum of anesthesia practice.

Much more than a how-to manual of anesthetic techniques, Anesthesiology, Third Edition presents an accessible compilation of concepts and principles that affirms its status as the cornerstone text in anesthesiology. This edition emphasizes important trends in both the specialty and healthcare in general. These trends include team-based anesthesia care, the remarkable growth of pain medicine practice, and the expanded need for clinicians who are skilled in the practice of critical care medicine. Canine and Feline Anaesthesia and Analgesia 3rd Edition


  • Four new pain medicine chapters, plus an expanded section on anesthetic considerations and perioperative management of co-existing disease
  • Key Points and Key References encapsulate must-know information and guide you to important articles for further research
  • Balanced presentations present clinical information, practical clinical procedures, and the molecular and scientific foundations of anesthesia practice
  • Essential for residents and students preparing for initial certification, and for practitioners preparing for recertification

The history of anesthesiology is the history of those who have devoted their career to the administration of anesthetics. Without physicians interested in the anesthetic state and the ability to adapt to new conditions demanded of anesthesiologists by surgeons, there would be neither modern surgery nor the specialty of anesthesiology. Many individuals displayed professionalism beyond what was required or expected; others seem reprehensible by “modern” standards. Although many would not consider themselves specialists in anesthesia, their contributions were critical in advancing the specialty. The development of anesthesiology can be told as the history of involved physicians who dedicated themselves to providing safer, more focused care of the patient, first in the operating room and later in the critical care unit and pain clinic. The story begins in ancient Egypt and continues to evolve in untold ways.

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